The BTK (Berliner Technische Kunstschule) University of Art & Design and BiTS (Business and Information Technology School) University of Business Leadership are in three different locations in Germany (Hamburg, Berlin, Iserlohn). A new CMS was introduced to represent a modern and clean Design.
New information material (flyer) for the customers and Display Ads were designed, integrating all aspects of the new CI. Managing agencies in all topics of design, text and technical issues. Setting up the CMS and implementing an action plan for the Online Launch, including display ads and billboard advertising.
- Project management
- Websites
- CI Adaption for flyer
- Display Ads
- E-Mail-Marketing
- Branding
- Media
- Relaunch
- Social Media
- More applications / Lead generation
- Higher brand recognition
Project Outcome
Using the same framework, but achieving two websites targeting different groups (creative/art and economic students). Saving resources using one system.